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Fixed Assets

AccuFund Anywhere Online

Greater Control over Your Fixed Assets

AccuFund’s browser native Fixed Assets module tracks the acquisition, depreciation, and disposal of assets that need to be expensed for accounting purposes and tracked for control and reporting purposes.

You can add assets to the system in this module, through Accounts Payable, or through the assets import wizard, which provides a quick way to convert from another asset management system.

Customizable views enable you to have live reports of active records, showing the data you need to see in a drillable browse window.

Once your assets are in the system, depreciation can be run monthly, quarterly, or annually. For budgeting purposes, depreciation estimates can be run for future periods.

AccuFund Fixed Assets is a component-based system, which means you can add other parts/pieces to an asset over time, such as those required by infrastructure improvements, leasehold improvements, and technology systems.

online fixed assets for nonprofits and government

Extra Features Add Convenience and Customization

The Fixed Assets module includes additional features that allow organizations to tailor the system to meet specific workflow requirements:

  • Keep dated and categorized notes to track service activity and warranty information.
  • Establish specific asset class/location combinations to define account distributions. This may include percent allocation of the asset account or
    depreciation expense for major items funded through multiple sources.
  • View a complete history of all actions taken for each asset.
  • Define demographic fields to track items such as warranty expiration dates, original funding source, responsible supervisor, and more.
  • Run a preliminary depreciation report to check all entries before posting to the General Ledger.
  • Track asset assignment and usage by employee or department.

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Improve Efficiencies with Built-in Integrations

You’ll save time and reduce errors, because Fixed Assets links directly to these other AccuFund modules:

  • General Ledger—All entries are immediately posted to the General Ledger for reporting in real time.
  • Acounts Payable—Assets may be acquired through Accounts Payable at the same time the invoice is being paid.
  • Reports/Forms Designer—Modify the layout and contents of your management reports.ipts created for citations paid include a citation field.

Let's Get Started

AccuFund supports your mission with a full suite of financial management applications for nonprofit and government organizations. To learn more and arrange a demo, contact AccuFund at 877-872-2228 or or visit

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AccuFund SOC2 Certification for Cloud Service Offerings

SOC (System and Organization Controls) certifications offer an AICPA auditor's opinion on the effectiveness of a service organization’s controls relevant to security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, or privacy. AccuFund has received SOC 1 Type 2 certification for its cloud offerings.

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